Amazfit & EFAT Athlete Stories: Hugh Chandler

Amazfit & EFAT Athlete Stories: Hugh Chandler

I live in the Florida Keys, on a small island called Marathon - yes, the island is named Marathon! I've done multiple triathlons, 11 marathons, and two Ironmans. This is my fourth Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon entry, I'm excited to say.

Last year (2023), I suffered a huge set back. In-between the Aquathlon and Triathlon, I was struck by a car in downtown San Francisco. I'd completed the Aquathlon and was riding my bike back to Crissy field, when I was struck and knocked off my bike. I suffered a skull fracture, concussion, 5 broken ribs, and a separated shoulder. I was taken by ambulance to Zuckerberg Hospital, where I spent six days in the ICU. I've spent the last year getting in EFAT shape!

I train with my Amazfit Cheetah watch and swim in the Atlantic Ocean, around the island. The watch is so amazing because it keeps track of my distance, and maps out my route. I've also been running on our world famous 7 Mile Bridge.
I've worked hard and am in great shape to get back and finish what I'd started in 2023.

I'm so thankful for my Amazfit watch that has tracked my progress every step of the way!

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